Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man

So its official, I'm a bus rider. My life depends on a piece of paper that controls my entire day through the use of bus times. You never know how independent you are until its gone and it takes a hour to make a 10 minute car trip. However, it has forced me to listen to music much more closely again instead of back ground noise or music to travel to and I've been getting some reading done. I remember seeing something a while ago that asked people to use public transportation at least once a month to save on air pollution and the like. So it feels nice that for the next two weeks they'll be one less car on the road.

What's also nice is my car is going to get less use in a month or so when I move down to Park Ave. A friend's uncle bought a house three houses from Park which I'll be there until school starts. However, I need to decide if I want to stay in University Commons where I'll be paying more or less $550 dollars a month whereas the house I will be paying anywhere from $400 to $450 dollars a month. Since I'll be paying my entire way through, this extra hundred dollars in my pocket will definitely be helpful.

What comes up though is a total monetary view of the situation. Living in such a nice are with easy access to bars, restaurants, and shops I will be more prone to spending a higher amount of money on these activities then I do now. My gas fund will also increase as I'll have to drive to campus to get to class. Due it mostly being high-way though, my mileage may improve which may only increase it by a few. I'm leaning towards the house just due to the cheaper rent, amazing house, the experience, and if I end up going to graduate school at U of R, I already have a place lined up. I have a while to decide but going to talk to my parents about it and get my decision in a week.

With that, work at my internship, and the huge summer sale at Banana Republic, I have been quite busy. Have bowling tonight which we better win and same goes for the struggling Mets who have a big series verses the Phillies.


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